associatedThe resources associated with/affected by the event that you're logging. Should be populated any time resources are in scope.
associatedThe users associated with/affected by the event that you're logging. Should be populated any time users are in scope.
contextAdditional context to include with the log message.
The type of event that you're logging.
The outcome of the event that you're logging.
sensitivePrivileged information to include with the log message. Should include things like stack traces, PII (that isn't covered by other fields), etc.
sessionThe session of the user associated with the event that you're logging. Should be populated any time a user session is in scope.
severityThe severity of the event that you're logging.
Think: Will this cause system disruption? How severe? Will default to INFO if not provided.
Options for logging an event. Should always be populated, since outcome is always required.